In accordance with §15 of the Ordinance on Insurance Mediation and Advice
Julius-Hatry-Straße 1
68163 Mannheim
Horst Schneider
Registered office of the company
Mannheim Local Court, HRB 742555
Phone: 0621 490 85 70
Our business model has a two-tier structure:
The AIRboard algorithm translates your financial strategy into tailor-made budgets and financial products. You receive a comprehensive evaluation and an individual financial concept with all investment and financial products tailored to your financial possibilities. AIR GmbH does not receive any remuneration in connection with the investment and financial products.
You have two options for implementing your financial strategy:
Information about issuers and providers for whose financial investments brokerage or advisory services are offered: Brokerage and advisory services are provided for financial investments from the entire range of the existing market in Germany, insofar as this is permitted within the scope of the official license as a financial investment broker/advisor pursuant to Section 34 f GewO.
Information on the remuneration for financial investment advice and brokerage:
In connection with investment advice or brokerage, the remuneration for this may be paid by the investor or by third parties (product providers) in combination. This depends on the wishes and needs of the investor and the financial products that may be brokered. Insofar as the remuneration components are paid by the investor, this is done in accordance with the separate remuneration agreement. Insofar as benefits in connection with investment advice or brokerage are provided by third parties (product providers), these may be retained.
AIR GmbH is registered in the register of intermediaries at the IHK Mannheim as
There is no direct or indirect participation in the voting rights or capital of an insurance company. Similarly, no insurance company has a direct or indirect interest in the voting rights or capital of AIR GmbH.
Information on the inclusion of sustainability risks in advisory activities (Art. 3, 4, 5 TVO)
We are not currently pursuing an independent sustainability strategy
We offer and broker sustainable insurance and investment products.
When selecting insurance companies and insurance products, as well as investment companies and investment products, we only take into account the information provided by the insurance and investment companies. Some of this information is not yet available in full from every insurer and investment company. We are therefore not responsible for their accuracy.
The respective insurer and the respective investment company provide information on the respective consideration of sustainability risks in investment decisions in their pre-contractual information.
At present, the technical regulatory standards of the European supervisory authorities and information from insurance and investment companies are still missing in order to be able to examine in detail which adverse effects on sustainability factors exist and how these can be included in the advice.
Due to the limited information currently available from insurance and investment companies, these aspects are not currently included as standard in the advice provided.
When providing advice, we take into account the most important adverse effects on sustainability factors as far as possible. This consideration is based on the information provided by the insurance and investment companies on their products.
We are monitoring further developments and will develop our own sustainability strategy in due course, in particular taking into account adverse effects on sustainability factors as standard when providing advice.
Our remuneration for the brokerage of insurance and investment products does not vary depending on whether the recommended product takes sustainability risks into account or not.
The remuneration of our employees and sub-brokers does not vary depending on whether the recommended product takes sustainability risks into account or not.
What are sustainability risks?
Sustainability risks (known as ESG risks) are events or conditions from the three areas of environment, social and governance, the occurrence of which could have a negative impact on the value of the investment. These risks can affect individual companies as well as entire sectors or regions.
Examples of sustainability risks
Environment: As a result of climate change, an increase in extreme weather events could pose a risk. This risk is also known as physical risk. An example of this would be an extremely dry period in a certain region. This could cause the levels of transport routes such as rivers to drop to such an extent that the transportation of goods could be impaired.
Social: In the social area, risks could arise, for example, from non-compliance with labor law standards or health protection.
Corporate governance: Examples of risks in the area of corporate governance include non-compliance with tax honesty or corruption in companies.
Joint register office and entry in the register of intermediaries
Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) e.V.
Breite Strasse 29, 10178 Berlin
Tel: 0180 6005850 (20 cents/min from a German landline, mobile rates max. 60 cents/call).
Register retrieval:
Address of the arbitration board
The following arbitration board can be contacted in the event of disputes between insurance intermediaries and customers:
Versicherungsombudsmann e.V.
P.O. Box 08 06 32, 10006 Berlin
Ombudsman for private health and long-term care insurance
Postfach 06 02 22, 10052 Berlin
Verband der Privaten Bausparkassen e. V.
Schlichtungsstelle Bausparen
Postfach 30 30 79,10730 Berlin
pursuant to Art. 14 para. 1 Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (ODR Regulation)
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR platform), which consumers can find at Consumers have the option of using this platform for out-of-court settlement of their disputes regarding contractual obligations.
If you have any complaints about our activities, please contact our complaints office.
Professional regulations
The professional regulations can be viewed and accessed via the homepage operated by the Federal Ministry of Justice and juris GmbH.